Processing Big Graphs
Project Description:
The huge amount of data to be represented using very large graphs
often exceeds the memory resources of conventional computers.
Links between data elements (or edges) can take up a considerable
amount of memory.
In this project we aim at devising effective techniques for efficient storage
and retrieval of data represented by big graphs, such as social networks.
PI: Faisal N. Abu-Khzam
F. N. Abu-Khzam and R. H. Mouawi.
Concise Fuzzy Representation of Big Graphs: a Dimensionality Reduction Approach.
CoRR abs/1803.03114
F. N. Abu-Khzam, A. Haj Ahmad and R. H. Mouawi.
Concise Fuzzy Representation of Big Graphs:
a Dimensionality Reduction Approach,
in Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference (DCC 2020): 356.
Previous publications (from related older projects):
G. L. Rogers, A. D. Perkins, C. A. Phillips, J. D. Eblen, F. N. Abu-Khzam
and M. A. Langston.
Using out-of-core techniques to produce exact solutions to the maximum clique problem on extremely large graphs.
in Proceedings, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and
Application (AICCSA 2009): pages 374-381, 2009.